If Miles Davis and Ernest Hemingway could have produced a child it would have been Ewan. True creative writing genius is a rare beast, and of all the current posters in here I can think of only one – Ewan is clearly the 400 lb gorilla in our midstNathan Hasalbauer, President, International High IQ Society, New York
Husain Naqvi, 3Quarksdaily.comCasa del Ionesco is wonderful little site, a repository of intelligent commentary and interesting articles culled from the net and blogosphere. And your picture is great. I frequent the Casa a few times a week. Keep it up.
Ewan - A profound and enlightening writer for the masses, a light sardonic touch. A real post-post modernist outlook that gives him the look of a man on the edge of civilization; not dire, but an optimistically dire perspective. Sees life through the eyes of an Underworld traveller but with the panoramic scope of a flying hedonist. Darts through the mesosphere with a yawn and sometimes a slyly held middle fingerWill Weatherley, Southern California
He a jazz record. Don’t look. ListenRobbie, Berkeley
A misanthropist with a mean streak a mile wideRobert, San Francisco
Pretentious p****P.B., Kirkcaldy
IHIQS interview
Atomic Magazine profile